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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is it always necessary to hire a registered professional?
There are laws governing the Engineering and Architectural professions and for some single storey structures not exceeding 3000 square feet the owner of the property may submit drawings without using a registered professional.

Click on the following links for more details:

2. I am coming in from abroad and have a design team I already want to use. What should I do?
Foreign professionals who are duly licensed in their jurisdiction may in some instances be granted temporary registration but are required to engage the services of a Bahamian registered professional who would be required to conduct necessary due diligence and take responsibility for the job.

Engineers Act
Section 10 (1) Qualifications for Temporary Registration
(d) there are some special circumstances which would warrant his temporary registration; and
(e) he is associated with an Engineer whose name appears on the Register; or is on temporary
assignment from an international lending agency, or from a United Nations Agency, the
Commonwealth Secretariat or a similar sponsoring organization approved by the
Minister after consultation with the Board, to carry out work on a particular project for a
specified time.

3. How do I know the person I am using is registered?
Their name should appear the official register for professionals in their field, for example there is a list of registered engineers and architects available at their respective boards. See links below:

Link to latest listing of engineers.
Link to latest listing of Architects.

4. What about liability?
If you have concerns about liability please ask the individual you are engaging with about professional liability cover. This is not a legal requirement but some clients may require to see evidence of this for further protection.

5. What else should I be concerned about?
You can ask to see copies of business license and VAT certificates. These should be prominently displayed in their place of business.

Many persons do not know what construction professionals actually do or are even aware of the many qualified persons practicing in The Bahamas.
As local consultants we need to change this and can do so together.

BEAAP is an avenue for construction industry professionals to market themselves as a group to both local and international investors. By working collaboratively our reach is broader. We will have ongoing campaigns to inform government officials, real estate professionals, lawyers and the like about our existence
and would use this opportunity to remind them of relevant laws on the books.

These laws are in place to protect the good of the public by ensuring that individuals who practice are duly licensed and comply with other laws regarding employment and operation of businesses in The Bahamas. This gives clients a means of recourse if they are dissatisfied with the services received.